Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood and the People Mover

Today I decided that I would give our good old public transportation a whirl. I used to take it to dance practice when I was in high school and I remember missing my bus many times despite showing up ten minutes early. So in my teen years I learned to dread the bus; not because of the creepy, unwashed riders, but because the bus was never there.

Fast forward 7 years and the route in Eagle River no longer exists and there are more routes in Anchorage. There even exists a stop with fancy digital timetables next to our newly rebuilt museum! No one took the bus when I was in high school and now it seems to be a fairly common (and efficient) thing to do around downtown.

My mission today is to get to my salsa class at 8:00 in Dimond via bus. I’ve been dropped off in midtown and have 4 hours to get there.

While downtown, I stopped in at Charlie’s Bakery and grabbed some pot stickers. There was one other patron in the restaurant who was also dining solo- a tanned, dark haired, thirty something year old in jeans. Must’ve been a construction worker. Anyways, after my quick bite I made my way over to Barnes and Nobles to catch up on some reading and some sun. As I tried to get comfortable on the breezy patio, a guy on a smoke break wondered over and talked to me.

You know, the interesting thing about being by yourself is that you are more likely to meet new people. Which makes sense, right? It would be much easier to approach, say Lady Gaga, if she was alone than if she was surrounded by security. * Did I just compare myself to Lady Gaga and my friends to bulky, bald, black men?* Yes. Moving on.* This holds true even among animals- it’s easier to prey on a lone critter than a pack because it’s less risky. The chances of coming out alive are higher.

So bringing it back to my situation today, I was the lost lamb and this audacious stranger thought it safe to wager the odds. We chatted about the weather, his addiction to cigarettes, his job as a car salesman and then he invited me to join him inside if the weather didn’t improve. His name was Michael.

Well. The weather didn’t improve and I went inside to sit four chairs away from him. I think he noticed I was sitting close by because after I had situated myself he turned on some alternative rock music and rocked out in his seat while smiling over in my direction.

Oh the mating habits of an idiot- always interesting to observe.


Made it to salsa on time- Gold star number one for People Mover Anchorage!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring Alaska

I have graduated from college and I realize that very soon here I will be separated from not just people I know, but also people I actually care about. I have, therefore, decided it time to step up my social-networking game. My goal? One post a month. Maybe it'll turn into a bi weekly affair but let's not put those pressures on me my loyal cyber friends. With that said, let's get on with the blogging!

Last Sunday I went to the Eagle River Nature Center with Amara and my sister's family. Though hiking with kids can be a nuisance, they do make great subjects for photographing. So even despite sticky hands, nonsensical whining, and the slow pace, I was able to enjoy myself via camera. And voila! The fruits of my day:

Amara and some butch looking version of me
Carrie Erik and Princess
Faust the Fierce Forester and Tia the Trail Blazer

Tessie the Trail Guardian